Monday, February 8, 2010

Today, I am grateful for...

• noun thankfulness; appreciation of kindness.
— ORIGIN Latin gratitudo, from gratus ‘pleasing, thankful’.

A number of years ago, I participating in a stress management class, it was recommended that I start a gratitude journal. Everyday, I would write down at least 5 things I was grateful for. If it was a really bad day, this was especially important. Sometimes my entries were as simple as: I am grateful for the sunshine, a hug, a coy look from Scott -- you get the sense. I did this everyday faithfully until June of last year and then stopped.  I found it by my bedside yesterday - it was still there with my pen.

While we were spring cleaning yesterday, Scott found a page long list of affirmations in a coat-  inlcuding that we were ready to open and receive all blessings. While reading it over, I realized everything on that list had come true! Positive thinking, showing gratitude, paying it forward -- it all comes full circle.

Last night, I made my first entry and have decided that even though I create in my art journal almost everyday and express myself artiscally - it is equally important to restart this routine.

Lastly, since I am on the topic of being grateful... Scott and I have made every effort possible to help Nick-Nack with his reading. It is hard for him and he doesn't enjoy it all that much. We usually read with him, or he will ask Hale, or he will listen with an MP3 version. Recently he has had a book report due and he selected a book at the school library on his own. We sent him up to bed last night so he could read for a half hour before bed. He came into our rooms with his eyes filled with tears...he had finished the book and he was sad. Not because it had a sad ending, but because it was over. A breakthrough. He asked if I would buy him that book, and the one that followed...

Today, I am grateful for Nick-Nack reading his first book, on his own...

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