Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blessed Be

This was a project last month at art group. Originally, the plan was to do reverse stencilling of a deer with swirly antlers. While everyone else was either prepping their piece or in production, I was busy thinking outside the box... I have a wierd, (some might say "obsession") with crows and ravens. They are scattered all over my house. Therefore, I thought it only natural to do a canvas of crows (thanks Lucie and Micheline for buying the "raven" tattered angels spray - my inspiration).

HOW: this is a large piece, only one third is actually shown above. I started with a plain white canvas. We projected some crow stickers onto the wall, making it as large as I wanted. There are three. I cut the traces out of bristol board, using masking tape I placed them onto the canvas. I then carefully positioned some of my dried branches and leaves from my fallen lilac bush along the length of the canvas, trying to get it as close to the surface as possible. The words "blessed be" are a mix of different chipboard letters and the tiny stars were little metal stars, used to scatter on the dining room table. Holding my breath, I started to spray the tattered angels spray (raven and violette) until I felt there was enough coverage. Once it dried a bit, (plus I have zero patience) I gently removed all the pieces - and voila! - reverse stencilling.

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